Simi B Carlton

Author, Performer, and Theatrical Designer

Stephanie Surma has been writing since her early childhood, everything from fan fiction, to literary magazine in high school, to original content on this blog.

At the age of nineteen, Stephanie was diagnosed with PTSD, and at twenty-two, she learned she was on the Autism Spectrum. Both led to her exploring her own identity, a journey which she rarely found inspiration or guidance for in her favorite books. As an author, Stephanie likes to explore several themes of young adulthood that she has struggled to find outside of works of fan fiction. These themes include: living and coping with mental illnesses, discovering and exploring sexuality, vocational dissatisfaction, self-identity, and finding love while growing as an individual person. Her favorite genre to write is romance, including sub-genres of New Adult, Fantasy, and Paranormal Mystery. She hopes to speak to an audience of people like herself who struggle to relate to characters in mainstream fiction, but wish to read mainstream-style stories with less-than-mainstream characters.